LLBO Homeowners Assistance Fund Accepting Applications

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CASS LAKE- A new assistance program for homeowners is now accepting applications. The Leech Lake Band Department of Public Works is administering the program. Funded by a U.S. Treasury Grant included in the American Rescue Plan Act, the program is available to Leech Lake Band members who meet the eligibility requirements and live on or near the reservation (up to 20 miles from the boundaries) or within the Duluth and Twin Cities offices service area.

The Homeowners Assistance Fund (HAF) program can help with:

  • Mortgage Payment Assistance (if fallen behind)
  • Forbearance, Delinquency and Arrears
  • Payment assistance on Utility bills
  • Internet and Broadband
  • Delinquent Property Taxes to prevent foreclosure
    • Note: All areas above have been limited to $6,000.00 in total combined assistance.
  • Prevention of Displacement (Home Repairs to include roofing, windows, siding and skirting and any interior work (bathroom, kitchen and flooring repairs) contract work. Only one (1) major repair is to be chosen at this time.

Eligibility requirements include:

  • Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe Enrolled Member
  • Be a homeowner within the LLBO Boundaries or service area (20 miles out), Twin Cities and Duluth included
  • Have a total family income of less than 150% of the Median area Income, to avoid confusion, please visit the attached site to determine your eligibility https://www.huduser.gov/portal/datasets/haf-il.html#:~:text=HAF%20funds%20are%20used%20for,of%20Housing%20and%20Urban%20Development Gather your total household income and with that total, find your County and make sure you fall under the 150% under the Median Income for your County.
  • Have Past Due mortgages, bills, property taxes, arrears, delinquencies and past due bills for internet
  • Have been financially impacted by the COVID pandemic

For more information please contact LLBO’s HAF program administrator, Val Pacheco at valentino.pacheco@llojibwe.net or call 218-760-4411.

More information on the program, including application and other forms, is available on our website at: https://www.llojibwe.org/haf.html

About the Homeowner Assistance Fund (HAF) federal program

According to the U.S. Treasury website, the purpose of the Homeowner Assistance Fund (HAF) is to prevent mortgage delinquencies and defaults, foreclosures, loss of utilities or home energy services, and displacement of homeowners experiencing financial hardship after January 21, 2020. Funds from the HAF may be used for assistance with mortgage payments, homeowner’s insurance, utility payments, and other specified purposes. The law prioritizes funds for homeowners who have experienced the greatest hardships, leveraging local and national income indicators to maximize the impact.

The Homeowner Assistance Fund provides:

  • A minimum of $50 million for each state, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico
  • $498 million for Tribes or Tribally designated housing entities and the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands
  • $30 million for the territories of Guam, American Samoa, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands

For additional information on the program please visit: https://www.consumerfinance.gov/coronavirus/mortgage-and-housing-assistance/help-for-homeowners/get-homeowner-assistance-funds/


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