Chairman’s Update- COVID 19 (March 16, 2020)

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March 16, 2020
COVID 19 Update

From the office of Chairman Jackson Sr.

As of this update, 9:00am, Monday Morning March 16, 2020, there are zero confirmed COVID 19 cases on the Reservation. If there is a confirmed case, of COVID 19, we will announce it after confirmation with respect to privacy.

The Health Emergency Response Team and Administration are actively working on response and continuous education to slow the progression of COVID 19.

If you have a fever, cough or difficulty breathing, please call your healthcare provider for guidance on whether you should seek medical attention. In emergency situations call 911.

For more information on COVID 19:
Call 211 or text 898211
MDH Hotline: 651-201-3920
CDC Website:

Continue to check the Leech Lake News Webpage for more updates.

Thank you!


Faron Jackson Sr.

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