LLBO Tribal Transportation Seeks Input via Community Survey

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Leech Lake Tribal Transportation is working on a Transportation Development Plan (TDP) to identify transportation related needs for the Leech Lake reservation. An integral part of this process is to work with internal and external stakeholders to identify opportunities, challenges and constraints of the Leech Lake Tribal Transportation system and how the system can be improved. The following are key tasks that will be completed throughout the duration of the project.

  1. Rider Survey: Transportation riders can easily fill out this quick survey during their trip. Surveys will be distributed on buses. The survey will be distributed on buses and can also be accessed online at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/LLTTRiderSurvey.
  2. Community Survey: Residents can share their feedback on the transportation system and services via this community survey. This survey will help understand how the community perceives Leech Lake Tribal Transportation and learn why residents choose to or choose not to use the transportation service. The survey can be accessed any time online at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/LLTTcommunitysurvey
  3. Internal and External Stakeholders: Internal stakeholder meetings were held to meet with internal agencies that provide transportation services. External stakeholder meetings were also held to meet with partner agencies that provide or need transportation services surrounding the reservation for future collaboration opportunities.
  4. Draft Plan: The draft plan will include a system evaluation, service recommendations, guidelines and performance indicators, peer assessment, capital, financial, and operating plans.
  5. Final Plan: Following the draft plan, internal stakeholders and the members of the Project Management Team will review the draft plan. The plan may recommend changes that impact transportation routes and service times. The plan will be completed later in 2020.
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