November 27, Last day to file claim for Cobell Settlement payments

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The deadline is approaching fast to file a claim and receive a settlement payment for the historic Cobell Settlement! You may be able to file a claim if you had an Individual Indian Money (IIM) Account or if you owned land held in trust by the U.S. Government.

The deadline to file a claim is November 27, 2017. Any money unclaimed after this date will be added to the Education Scholarship Fund.

Please contact Garden City Group, the organization handling the settlement payments, to file your claim: 1-800-961-6109

Search the full OST Whereabouts Unknown database

Search the Cobell Whereabouts Unknown database

Click the button below to see the Whereabouts Unknown List provided by the Bureau of Indian Affairs to Leech Lake. Names with an asterisk (*) on their name have an unclaimed Cobell payment and should call the listed numbers as soon as possible

[bg_collapse view=”button-blue” color=”#ffffff” icon=”eye” expand_text=”Leech Lake Whereabouts Unknown List” collapse_text=”Leech Lake Whereabouts Unknown List” ]Aitkin Michael D
Alexander Loretta*
Allen Eric P
Anderson James K*
Anderson Susan*
Arndt Michael Frederick
Atkinson April J*
Axdahl Mary Helen*
Baker Ii James S
Barkley Earl T
Barkley Melissa M
Barnes Sharon Lee Smith*
Beaudreau Deborah
Beaulieu Kevin J
Bebeau Leon J*
Bebeau Steven M*
Beebe Sandra L I
Bellanger Kenneth
Bendorf Delaine
Benoit Eraine
Berg Roberta J*
Bergloff Lisa*
Berthelsen Jerolynn A
Bigelow Patty A
Bjerk Sherri A
Bobolink John H
Bonga-James Timothy Lee*
Bongo Ruth M
Bongo Ruth Marie*
Bongo Williams Kevin J
Bowers Mary Ann*
Bowstring Joe A
Bradley Gladys R
Bradley Thorpe T*
Braveheart Theresa I*
Brown Janice*
Bruce William Joseph
Buck Laura S
Budreau Jr Milton
Buffalo Richard*
Bunge Lillian Marie
Burgdorf Dakota M
Burgdorf Taylor J
Burnett Barbie Jolene
Burnett Mary Patricia
Burnette Jessica*
Burnette Kim*
Burnette Lillian G*
Burnette Lillian J
Burnette Melvin G
Burnette Michelle Marie
Burnette Montgomery*
Burnette Rhonda Sharon
Burnette Sandra*
Burris Teresa A.
Burris Woodrow J.
Bursey Judith M*
Butcher Naomi Marie*
Cameron Nancy K (Headbird)
Campbell Darla A
Campbell Donald*
Campbell Glenn M
Campbell Haley M*
Campbell Milton Howard
Campbell, Jr. Charlie Michael
Capps Geraldine*
Castillo Andres A
Charwood Robert
Chase Deborah
Chase Edward
Chase Jesse A*
Clark Tomi
Clarke Phyllis
Cloud Ann M
Cloud Douglas S
Cloud Kari A
Cloud Kenneth M
Cloud Phillip
Cloud Ronald
Cloud Trenton J*
Cole Ava B I
Cotter Richard J
Damann Bernadine A
Dandrea Josephine*
Darcy Patricia A I
Dauphinais Edwin Francis
Davis Gary*
Davis Sage M
Dewitt Dewayne*
Donkin James H
Donnell Richard D*
Drift Michael D
Drumbeater Thomas W
Drumbeater Thomas*
Duncan Marie*
Duncanson Loretta M*
Dunn Raeanne M
Durant Joyce
Durant Melvin A
Ellis Douglas C J
Elmberg Gordon L
Fairbanks Amy J
Fairbanks Johnny Mac
Fairbanks Katherine*
Fairbanks Mary*
Fairbanks Sandra F*
Fairbanks Tina M*
Fairbanks William E*
Fairbanks William F*
Fairbanks O’connor Darlene
Farr Dawn Juanita
Fineday Deborah Rose
Fineday George, Jr.
Fineday Gordon K
Fisher James*
Flores Larry*
Fuller Suzanne C*
Gale Ernest C
Garbow Leon J
Garcia Kimberly L
Geluk Anna*
Goggleye Byron Eugene
Goggleye Crystal Rose
Goggleye Lily J
Goggleye Robert L*
Goodwin Larry Arlen
Goose Dawn L
Goose Roderick John
Greene Robert D
Greene Timothy M
Greenlee Richard C*
Grom Shirley A
Haagenstad Agnes J*
Hall Jean Clair*
Hall Stanley Eugene Jr
Hanson Carmen
Hanson John M*
Harding Patricia*
Hardy Leota Ann
Harper Jeffery W
Harrison Douglas John
Harrison Kenneth James
Harrison Michael Dean
Harrison Veda A
Hart Christopher*
Hasbargen Linda R*
Hawkins Darlene L*
Hawkins George T
Hayden Jessica Ann
Headbird Donald J
Headbird Jordon T
Headbird Laurie J
Headbird Lorraine
Hechavarria Irtense
Henshaw Barbara*
Hernandez Jeremy D
Hess Alice Margaret*
Hess Shirley Anne*
Holland Ramona*
Holmberg Scott D*
Holt Rosetta M*
Horst Pamela Kay*
Hough Jawnie K
Hough Kenneth
Houle Lynette J
Howard Alexander Wolden
Howard Grace Ann
Howard John W*
Howard Vernon Tony Lee*
Howard Vikki Maria
Howard Sr Loren J
Humphrey George E
Jackson Alvin E*
Jackson Cherilyn D
Jackson Debra L
Jackson Robert James
Jacobs Helen L
Jenkins Nathan L
Jenkins Samuel
Jerkins Romelle Rausch*
Johnson Charles
Johnson Cynthia*
Johnson Donna B. Hawkins*
Johnson Greg C
Johnson Grover
Johnson Melvin F*
Johnson Paul C*
Johnson Peter
Johnson Rodney W
Johnson Ronald*
Johnson Roxanne
Johnson James Rose A
Johnson-Jenkins Anna M
Jones Christopher M*
Jones David D*
Jones Dawn Marie
Jones Frances J*
Jones Geoffrey A*
Jones Joseph S
Jones Michael D*
Jordan Raymond*
Kingbird Tamara L
Klasen June M
Kneip Amanda L*
Koenig-Roy David C
Kuczaboski Dorothy
Lagou Tammi J
Lagrone Darren G*
Laprairie Arlene*
Larose Franklin W
Latuala Jennifer L*
Leblanc Martin C
Lewis Connie K*
Lewis Georgi A*
Lewis Lance V*
Lightfeather-Johnson Crystal S
Lindom Paul E
Littlewolf Della*
Littlewolf Steven A
Locascio Desirae A
Loftus Christina M
Lone Prather Viola Rose
Loons Tony C
Lopez-Riera Margaret J
Lorentzen Leisha M
Lorentzen Leisha M*
Losh Kenneth C*
Losh Smith Diana Lynn
Lucy Pamela P*
Lumley Raymond Anthony
Lundquist Lesa
Lyons Anthony J
Lyons Charles Bentley*
Lyons Darrell R
Lyons Edward M
Lyons Elise K
Lyons George*
Lyons Jeffrey A*
Lyons Rae E*
Lyons Jr Donald Franklin*
Mainville Jr Arthur
Malenke Angel*
Malenke Charles T
Martin John R
Martin Justin L*
Martin Larry S
Martin Linda A
Martinez Deann N*
Mccarty Ehli Carol Evonne*
Mcclimek Scott D
Mcdonald Lisa Kay*
Mcfarland Douglas R*
Mckee John Sheldon
Mckenzie Connie L
Mckenzie Marie L
Mclean Danielle A*
Mclean Dewaine F*
Mclean Jacob A*
Mclean Michael Dale*
Mcpherson Terri*
Medina Ruth A
Michaud Jr Gerald*
Miller Ramona D
Mitchell Ronald R*
Mitchell Sheldon P
Mitchell Stella Sue*
Mitchell Sr Darrell
Mock Edward Leroy*
Mock/Phelps Juli Dene*
Monroe Roger G
Moon Timothy C*
Morgan Gabriel L
Morgan James D*
Morgan Peter J
Morgan Iii David A
Morgan-Johnson Richard D
Morris Heather*
Morris Jr Roland J
Morrisette Marjorie E*
Morrow Jacquelyn K
Morrow Max
Morrow Maxine Irene
Morrow Roberta J
Munnell James*
Munnell John David
Munnell Rebecca A*
Munnell Jr William A*
Myers Conception T*
Myers Richard A*
Nabors Isaac L
Naslund Camille L
Naslund Chad J
Nelson Jacquelyn M*
Nelson Jacquelyn*
Nelson Mitchell W*
Newell Patrick*
Northbird Justine*
Northbird Jr Ronald J
Norton Richard R
Obrien Nancy
Olson Brittany R
Olson Brooke M
Olson Cedric A
Olson Cynthia*
Olson Delores
Olson Roberta*
Olson Jr Daniel G
Omaha Barbara A
Palmer (Ellerd) Betty*
Paper Jr William
Paquette David J
Paquette Theresa K
Parent Francois E
Parkhurst-Reed Barbara A*
Partridge Peter
Partridge Jr Daniel
Pasley Billy A*
Pauline Ann Marson & Vir *
Pepworth Jr Donald D
Perrault Sandra M
Perrotti Jennifer Jean
Perry Esthep
Perry Jr David J
Peters Sheryl A*
Peterson Raymond
Peterson Raynard*
Rainey Carol M
Raisch Norma F*
Raisch Travis L
Raisch Jr Frank J
Rasmussen Joanne*
Regan Nicholas J
Rejholec Russell L*
Reyes Steven L
Richardson Eugene S*
Richelle Donita
Rober Carol E
Rober Mary H*
Robinson John E
Robinson Kelly F
Rock John S.
Rock Jr Bernard J
Rodriquez Ronda L*
Ross Iii #206136 Leroy T
Roy John P
Russell Ronald G
Ryan James Charles
Sabin Julie Ann*
Sailor Linda L
Salazar Patricia Ann
Sanders Homer Jr.
Sanders John
Sanders Lisa M*
Sanders Patricia
Sanders William
Sawyers Robert*
Sayers Cecilia W*
Sayers Christina L
Sayers Raymond Edward
Sayers Sharolyn Carol*
Schaffer Myrtle E*
Schelinder Jeffery D*
Schwanke Christina Rock*
Schwartx Gordon
Senarighi Anthony T
Senarighi Peter Anthony*
Shatto Jesse*
Shaw Michael W*
Shayen Peggy M
Sherman Michael L
Shofner Ronald E.*
Shotley Tobias A
Skye Douglas*
Smith Alice H
Smith George F
Smith George F*
Smith George L
Smith Heather R
Smith James R
Smith John E*
Smith Jolene J
Smith Katherine Marie
Smith Kenneth
Smith Leroy George*
Smith Leroy W
Smith Noreen L
Smith Pamela J
Smith Sherylle J
Smith Terrance
Smith Terrance*
Smith Sr Patrick T
Snowdon Onzie G
Stevens Corey*
Stolitza Alexander*
Stolitza John*
Stolitza Nikolai
Strand Timothy L*
Sullivan Elaine
Tait Michael*
Tatro Diane L
Taylor Hattie L*
Tejohn Linda J
Thayer Phillip G
Thompson John A*
Thompson Mark J*
Thompson Peter
Thompson Susan*
Thompson Iii Charles G
Thorne Myron L
Thornton Regis W
Threinen Kevin
Tibbetts Kenneth D
Tibbetts Thomas Juanita Mae
Tiessen Donald A*
Tiessen Steven J*
Timmins Brenda L*
Titus Christine Mary
Troy Kenneth L.
Turner Charlotte M
Turney Angela M*
Tuttle Melvin Wayne
Vannett Renee K
Vannett Robert W
Vannett Shawn*
Vannett Watkins Shirley A*
Vilas Jr Rodney A
Villafuerte Beverly J
Wade Nona L
Wakefield Darian S
Waldron Gerald G*
Warner Terrance L
Warner Jr James D
Webster Crystal Lee
Webster William N
Wells Sarah L
Werchowski Johnette M
Wheat Linda A
White Ardene
White Dan C
White Duane J*
White Peter J*
White Rhonda*
White Tamara*
White Victoria F
White Boe Bernadette
Whitebird Cheryl Ann
Whitebird Leroy, Jr.
Whitebird Sarah
Williams Eugene*
Williams Robert*
Wilson Olivia A
Wolf James E*
Woodhouse Mary Leona
Young Shanita M[/bg_collapse]

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